We have a panel of
10+ Certified Healers
Since 2007
We Are
ISO 9001:2015 Certified
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What is Reiki healing?

Reiki healing is one of the natural and oldest forms of energy healing therapy, with its roots drawn through Japan in the late 1800s. Reiki therapists transfer universal force energy to the recipient through the distance healing process.

Reiki treatment from a distance is equally beneficial as the flow energy works on the intentions set and requires no touch.

Why Distance Reiki Healing?

Witness the power of reiki energy and re-energise your life from the comfort of your home with personalised reiki healing sessions. Our distance reiki sessions are equally effective as in-person healing because, in alternative energy healing and holistic medicine therapies, we are working with the physical, emotional and mental aspects of an individual by accessing the individual’s energy body. The energy body can be accessed easily from anywhere and at any time and does not require you to be physically present with the practitioner. Reiki therapists can transmit energy and vibration over several miles to the seeker. 

Do you know feelings of stress, anxiousness, irritability, lethargy, and negative thoughts are mainly caused due to diluted auras or imbalanced chakras? If you keep feeling sick and emotionally unstable constantly for a longer period of time, it is a sign that your aura needs cleansing and balancing of chakra. Distance Reiki treatment will allow the free flow of life force energy to balance your chakras and cleanse your aura and improve your overall wellbeing.

Benefits of Distance Reiki Healing


Reiki causes no harm to people as it is a non-contact treatment.

How will Distance Reiki Healing Session take place?

Identifying Energy Blockages

Once you sign up for the healing session, you will be connected to one of our reiki therapists over phone call or Whatsapp. The reiki therapist will identify your energy imbalances, blockages, traumas, wishes, and any other aspect affecting your health & wellbeing.

Reiki Energy Transfer

Reiki healers will then transfer the energy in your body through distance healing and remove all the blockages. Our reiki healing therapists use various reiki therapies to give you desired results like Angel Reiki, Crystal Reiki, Usui Reiki, Karuna Reiki and Intent Reiki.

Reiki Healing Attainment

You will be informed once the reiki energy healing session is completed. Our reiki therapist will be in touch with you throughout and will solve any queries you may have.

Fill your Life with Joy, Happiness & Prosperity!
Connect with our Reiki Therapist & Start Healing.

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Our Panel of Healers

Swati Mishra - Healer
Swati Mishra

Reiki Master, Shamanic
Practitioner, Hypnotherapy,
Bach Flower Therapy

Monica Tiwari
Monica Tiwari

USUI REIKI, Violet Flame Reiki,
Karuna Reiki, Lama Fera,
Theta Healing (Grand Master)

Pinaxi Anand Mehta YSR Healer
Pinaxi Anand Mehta

Crystal and Reiki Grand Master and Vastu and Numerology consultant, Distance Healing,  Aura Scanning.

Your Spiritual Revolution
Amitt Parikh

Divine Light Healer,
Karuna Reiki Healer,
Integral Mind Power

sangeeta jha image
Sangeeta Jha

Mahalakshmi Grand Master, Akashik Healer, Reiki Grand Master, Shiva Panchtatwa Master

Rishu Kamboj
Rishu Kamboj

Certified Reiki Healer, Certified Lama Fera Healer, Certified Karuna Reiki Healer

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Neepa Antrolia

Karuna Reiki, Ashtalaxmi Reiki, Karmic Reiki, Angel Healing, Access Bar ® Lama Fera

Frequently Asked Questions

Distance Healing can be explained by phenomena of Quantum Entanglement as an alternative healing therapy to overcome physical, mental, and emotional imbalances. Quantum entanglement discovered by Schrödinger is one of the most significant discoveries of modern science. It states that we all are particles in the universe, entangled together with strong force.

Thus, even if we are separated by distance, we are connected and can affect each other’s actions. Albert Einstein quoted this phenomenon as “spooky action at a distance.”

This interconnection is referred to as ‘Oneness,’ the state of being one. The healers & practitioners, with their expertise, access this unified field of energy & activate the connection. They can alter your energy body with positive vibrations to attract abundance, overcome illness, and improve immunity. The various modalities can help in Integral Healing even at a remote distance.

Unlike other physical energy, Reiki energy comes from within us. The energy comes from the transcendental part of ourselves which is connected to the infinite supply of healing energy.

We will need your personal details like Name, Photo and Date, Place, and Time of Birth.

We accept payment by credit cards/debit cards/net banking (for Indian customers) and PayPal (for international customers).

Still have a Question?

If you have any other question that has not been answered in the FAQ, please email us at:
WhatsApp: 8591706800

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