Unlock your trapped emotions to alleviate your physical & emotional discomfort with Emotion Code & Body Code Integral Healing. 

What is Emotion Code?

What is Emotion Code?

It is a powerful healing method that involves identifying and releasing negative emotions trapped in the human subconscious mind from various past life experiences. But, unfortunately, these trapped emotions often cause pain, self-sabotage, emotional problems, and all kinds of malfunction and disease that may result in acute physical pain, rage & anger, stress, anxiety, depression, etc.

Emotion Code is a gentle, non-invasive healing approach where the energy of trapped emotions is distinguished and not merely the circumstance provoking it. This technique successfully eliminates the emotional baggage by clearing all the negative emotions stored from earlier life that impacts the behavioural pattern in an unhealthy way. 

Healing the wounds through emotion code healing opens the door for many significant opportunities and makes a person internally strong and composed.

What is Body Code?

Body Code healing is a form of natural healing therapy. It involves integral healing through energy transformation and eliminating toxins that potentially create blockages and keep a spirit from evolving physically, emotionally, & spiritually. 

It removes experiences of past life events that impact health aspects negatively. In addition, it successfully removes toxic agents like free radicals, chemicals, EMF radiation, etc., that probably throw off the body’s balance and block the path towards holistic health & abundance. As a result, people suffering from chronic muscular pains, prolonged sickness, physical pains like joint pains, headaches, backaches, or sometimes pain caused by past life events can quickly feel relief through body code healing.

In addition, body code healing prominently takes care of nutrition, improves lifestyle, and works towards the alignment of muscles, glands, and organs to remove physical uncertainties.

What is Body Code?

Are you suffering from following problems?

Get rid of emotional baggage

Human minds are designed to store emotional pieces of baggage as a form of memories for a long time, sometimes forever, be it negative or positive. When not taken care of for long periods, these trapped emotions & energies can reflect in an extremely negative way. It can disrupt physical, emotional, mental & spiritual health.

Body code & emotion code healing release these trapped emotions & energies and rejuvenate the mind, body, & soul. Mental exhaustion, emotional instability, physical pains & sickness due to emotional imbalances are some signs that expose the need for integral emotional & body code healing.

Benefits of Emotion Code and Body Code

Benefits of Emotion Code and Body Code

How will distance emotion code & body code work?


Identify Body & Emotional imbalances

Our healers & practitioners will first identify the emotional imbalances and energy blockages that impact various aspects of your health and wellbeing.


Distance Emotion Code & Body Code Healing

Healers will then release all the trapped emotions from your energetic field and work on the imbalances present.


Emotion Code & Body Code Attainment

You will be informed once the distance emotion code & body code session is completed. Our healer will be in touch with you throughout the session and will solve any queries you may have.


What Our Customers Are Saying

Sonal Khakhar
Mumbai , Maharashtra
My husband Ganesh Khakhar was hospitalized with Covid. I approached YSR for healing and their healer remotely scanned using just his photograph and informed me of 50% infection in lungs which was so accurate! In a couple of days he felt better and was discharged from the hospital. Thank you YSR team.
David Armstrong
Mumbai, Maharashtra
Your Spiritual Revolution has been of great help to me during a difficult phase of my life. I was diagnosed with a lesion on my kidney. My body had become very weak. Their healers were tracking down symptoms and doing corrective healing of my physical self and mental. I have felt at peace after a long time. The beautiful part was that Mr. Parikh constantly followed up and did work on my chakras. I am truly very grateful and excited about this healing modality. Thank you Your Spiritual Revolution and their team.
Testimonial Your Spiritual Revolution
Hemal Mehta
Mumbai, Maharashtra
“Covid hit me on new year’s day. I was ok and home quarantined until after a week when my condition started to worsen. I got hospitalized and though the doctors, nurses, and medicines were doing their work, I was being healed by energy healers at YSR. Within 2 days, the effect started showing, and I was discharged within a week’s time. A day after discharge, I got a severe stomach ache – later diagnosed as pancreatic infection – mostly due to steroids during my covid treatment. Yet again was hospitalized – and yet again integral healing was part of my treatment.” My faith in integral healing is now stronger than before. Hence I sought healing treatment for my wife, Dipali, who has been a migraine patient for a few years. She also suffers from bronchitis due to allergies. She was healed integrally by YSR healers. Apparently, she believes in healing more than I do. In her own words – “It feels so good, so different to have a head which is not paining, not feeling heavy”. Only another migraine patient will understand this. We are having our kitchen renovated and the amount of debris, dust, and pollution can get a normal person sick. Dipali who would otherwise get the sinus, coughing, and congestion – is now doing perfectly fine. So, the effects of healing are not only immediate but long-lasting.”
mahesh rathod
Mahesh Rathod
Mumbai , Maharashtra
” We all have seen wonders of medical science at every stage of our life, but I am very fortunate to experience the effectiveness of integral healing as well. Covid situation is no different for individuals but in my case, I have seen how it went bad to worse in just few days. My brother-in law tested Covid positive in May 2021 with normal symptoms, but 2 days got wasted & his chest congestion increased & doctor advised for hospitalization. But on very next day, the congestion increased to such an extent that he had to be shifted in ICU with 10 kg of oxygen supply. Even after strong medicines & plasma transfer therapy, the situation did not improve the way it should be. Then I came across integral healing @ YSR & we started this energy healing as an additional therapy with their healers remotely. It was so effective that, it started giving good signs on patient. My brother-in-law not only started feeling better, but his diet improved too. With integral healing done by YSR healers remotely, my brother-in-law’s health became better & better day by day & now he is back to normal life. Integral healing works, indeed! It’s no more a wonder now, but it’s strong faith. Thanks a ton YSR healers!”
Simraa Don Bosco
Mumbai, Maharashtra
In July 2021, my family was struggling a lot mentally and monetary. It was all sudden, and we never even dreamt that we will ever see such day it our life. Our most beloved people betrayed us badly. We all were in a trauma. In my 23 years of life, I never saw my dad in tears and broken badly. The situation was even worst and painful in my mother’s case. She was restless, broken, sleepless for months and her health was getting worst. We were having constant appointments with doctors but everything was normal. Physically she had no problem but her stress and mental health was making us low. All of suddenly she would cry at night recollecting the issues. Physical problems could be diagnosed but we had no clue how to make her feel better. One such day, I shared all the problems and explained my situation to Amitt Sir. It was very painful and difficult for me to shout-out but he gave me hope. I just shared my mother’s DOB, Place of birth and her recent picture. He gave personal attention and did Aura and Chakra healing for my mother. I never informed about this to anyone at home for around 10 days. I felt better myself after check out on the healing report. I made my mom follow the tips and remedy given to by the healer. I could see the difference that she was trying to be normal. She started improving on her diet which was a major problem we had to face. We humans never give importance to our mental health which is very important. Positive energy and peace is a key to happy life. By God’s grace, we were trying hard to normalize the financial situation. But I wanted my mother to be as she was before. Healing made my mother’s Aura and chakra better. Thank you Your Spiritual Revolution team and special thanks Amitt Sir for suggesting healing therapy.
Priya Shetty
Priya Shetty
Mumbai, Maharashtra
My brother experienced continuous fever and pain in joints with severe headache for 3-4 days and then we decided to get him tested for Dengue as the fever was not subsiding. The reports showed that he is positive to Dengue and had typhoid as well. His platelet count was also low so the doctor advised us to get him hospitalized and we did so. Even after hospitalization he had severe fever and fluctuating platelet count. Then we came across YSR’s healing services and we decided to give it a try. The entire healing process was carried out remotely. We just had to share a current photograph of my brother with his details and symptoms about the illness. His fever started reducing the same day and within the next 1-2 days, he started showing positive signs of recovery. He felt more energized and active with no fever and reduced pain in joints. His platelet count increased steadily. Within 4-5 days, he recovered completely.The healing service at YSR not only provided healing to the illness but it also aided in achieving internal peace and mindfulness. What I liked the most about them was their thorough and continuous follow-up regarding the well being and the support & hope provided during the course of the healing. All thanks to the healers at YOUR SPIRITUAL REVOLUTION! Thank you so much sir!

Pave your way towards a healthy life by clearing your negative energy

Distance Emotion Code and Body Code

Distance Emotion Code & Body Code

Channel the right energy to heal your imbalances through distance emotion & body code.

Powerful Healing for 1 Session of Body Code + Emotion Code

Price: ₹6,999 (Incl. GST) / US $129

Frequently Asked Questions

Phenomena of Quantum Entanglement can explain distance Healing as an alternative healing therapy to overcome physical, mental, and emotional imbalances. Quantum entanglement discovered by Schrödinger is one of the most significant discoveries of modern science. It states that we all are particles in the universe, entangled together with strong force. Thus, even if we are separated by distance, we are connected and affect each other’s actions. Albert Einstein quoted this phenomenon as “spooky action at a distance.”

This interconnection is referred to as ‘Oneness,’ the state of being one. The healers & practitioners, with their expertise, access this unified field of energy & activate the connection. They can alter your energy body with positive vibrations to attract abundance, overcome illness, and improve immunity. The various modalities can help in Integral Healing even at a remote distance.

Trapped emotions are low-frequency energy suppressed in your body and become a part of your daily life. These energies can also be present in your electromagnetic field, affecting your physical body directly or indirectly.

Body code deals with chronic pain and other physical problems, while Emotion code helps release the trapped emotions present in an individual. And while body code takes more time as it considers all aspects of physical suffering, emotion code deals with one aspect at a time and is less time-consuming.

Our heart stores our emotions and our souls. So, to protect our hearts from the hurting, we build a wall around them. But these walls stop us from living to the fullest. So, it is essential to break those walls stone by stone, step by step.

We will need your personal details like Name, Photo and Date, Place, and Time of Birth.

We accept payment by credit cards/debit cards/net banking (for Indian customers) and PayPal (for international customers).

Still have a Question?

If you have any other question that has not been answered in the FAQ, please email us at: Ravisha@YourSpiritualRevolution.org
WhatsApp: 8591706800

Balance your emotions and improve your well-being with distance healing