Distance Reiki Healing
Heal your mind, body & soul with the power of reiki energy!
- Helps cope with emotional difficulties.
- Treats chronic pain.
- Promotes overall well-being.

What is Reiki healing?
Reiki healing is one of the natural and oldest forms of energy healing therapy, with its roots drawn through Japan in the late 1800s. Reiki therapists transfer universal force energy to the recipient through the distance healing process. Reiki treatment from a distance is equally beneficial as the flow energy works on the intentions set and requires no touch.
Reiki sessions will work on healing all aspects; physical, mental, emotional and spiritual. Reiki distance healing can treat any kind of blockages and issues the recipient is going through. Aiming towards improving the flow of energy in and around the recipient’s body, reiki energy heals imbalances, improves well-being and promotes holistic health. In addition, it removes negative energy and instills positivity that supports health and wellness with a new & positive approach.
As we all know that the Universe offers a soul with abundant joy, happiness & prosperity. But with time the blockages occur & that keeps the soul away from receiving and experiencing universal offerings. It is these blockages that are cleared through reiki healing. Reiki distance healing successfully helps a person to overcome past life traumas and loss. Reiki healing brings the essence of life and relationships back, healing all the wounds by the energy itself.
How can Distance Reiki Healing help you?
Reiki healing is not an alternative to medical treatment but is an add-on for the same. Since it involves the transfer of energy for the healing, it is acknowledged as one of the most ancient & powerful healing modalities. People suffering from chronic pains and prolonged sickness can get relief after the successful completion of reiki healing treatment. Various physical & emotional imbalances or issues concerning any health aspects are cured through reiki healing therapy. People suffering from anxiety, depression, stress, fatigue, sleep disorders, etc experience quick relief & long-term benefits from Reiki healing sessions.
Reiki sessions are equally effective as in-person healing because, in alternative energy healing and holistic medicine therapies, we are working with the physical, emotional and mental aspects of an individual by accessing the individual’s energy body. The energy body can be accessed easily from anywhere and at any time and does not require you to be physically present with the practitioner. Reiki therapists can transmit energy and vibration over several miles to the seeker.
Distance Reiki Healing Energy healing causes no harm as it is a non-contact healing session.
Benefits of Distance Reiki Healing
Harmonise your mind, body and soul
Reiki treatments develop a unique balance between your mind, body and spirit and help them to work more effectively.
Releases stress from the body
Reiki healing therapy helps you take a break from the stress of daily life and relax. It relieves tension from your entire system.
Remove toxins
Reiki energy will encourage the vital functions of your physical body to work more effectively and hence improves your immune system.
Improves concentration
Reiki healing therapy can calm your mind and help you to improve your focus. It also aids in the memory retention of the person.
Accelerates body’s capacity to heal
Reiki energy can enhance the body’s natural healing process. It makes your body shift from fight or flight mode to relaxation mode which makes the body reiki self healing.

How will Distance Reiki Healing Session take place?
Identifying Energy Blockages
Once you sign up for the healing session, you will be connected to one of our reiki therapists via Email. The reiki therapist will identify your energy imbalances, blockages, traumas, wishes, and any other aspect affecting your health & wellbeing.
Reiki Energy Transfer
Reiki healers will then transfer the energy in your body through distance healing and remove all the blockages. Our reiki healing therapists use various reiki therapies to give you desired results like Angel Reiki, Crystal Reiki, Usui Reiki, Karuna Reiki and Intent Reiki.
Reiki Healing Attainment
You will be informed once the reiki energy healing session is completed. Our reiki therapist will be in touch with you throughout and will solve any queries you may have.
Embrace your life with the
spiritually guided energy of Reiki Healing.

Distance Reiki Healing
Powerful Healing for 7 days (7 Sessions)
Price: ₹6,999 (Incl. GST) / US $129
Our Panel of Healers

Reiki Master, Shamanic
Practitioner, Hypnotherapy,
Bach Flower Therapy

USUI REIKI, Violet Flame Reiki,
Karuna Reiki, Lama Fera,
Theta Healing (Grand Master)

Crystal and Reiki Grand Master and Vastu and Numerology consultant, Distance Healing, Aura Scanning.

Divine Light Healer,
Karuna Reiki Healer,
Integral Mind Power

Mahalakshmi Grand Master, Akashik Healer, Reiki Grand Master, Shiva Panchtatwa Master

Certified Reiki Healer, Certified Lama Fera Healer, Certified Karuna Reiki Healer

Karuna Reiki, Ashtalaxmi Reiki, Karmic Reiki, Angel Healing, Access Bar ® Lama Fera
Still have a Question?
If you have any other question that has not been answered in the FAQ, please email us at: Ravisha@YourSpiritualRevolution.org
WhatsApp: 8591706800