About Us

Your Spiritual Revolution LLP was founded in the year 2007 by Mr. Amitt Parikh. Started as an eMagazine publisher, from over a decade, Your Spiritual Revolution LLP has established itself as a prominent supplier & exporter of premium & international quality semi-precious stones & spiritual products like healing trees, orgone pyramids, jewellery and accessories along with offering integral healing services globally. Striving hard to offer the best quality products & services, Your Spiritual Revolution has got its roots strong with time and stands as a strong name in the industry.

Deeply rooted in Mumbai, Maharashtra, Your Spiritual Revolution, put in efforts to serve the best of products & services to the community across nations, beyond geographical boundaries. All the healers for Integral healing services are personally chosen & vetted by Founder Amitt Parikh and are all professionals in their respective modalities with experience spanning years apart from being highly spiritually evolved. All the products & services by Your Spiritual Revolution are a unique blend of ancient & modern healing combinations aptly aimed toward the wellness of mind, body & soul.

Our Vision

Growing as a leading supplier & exporter of various ranges of crystals, gemstones & various spiritual products; Your Spiritual Revolution procures the raw materials from the most authentic & reliable sources. Keeping it up with the best services & top-notch products, Your Spiritual Revolution thrives to offer spiritual enlightenment, along with health & wellness to the community globally.

Our Mission

By offering distance integral healing modalities, spiritual products, & resources on various social media platforms that encourage the spiritual revolution, Amitt Parikh along with his team at Your Spiritual Revolution set the sights on achieving the milestone & stand as the leading organization in the industry with its top-notch products & services.

Our Workforce

At Your Spiritual Revolution, our team includes experienced individuals & who work towards validating & examining every inch of products manufactured. In order to keep up with the industry standards, our team works towards serving the best to our community irrespective of services or products. Customers can get our products at the most affordable & genuine prices. Our supply network ranges through the leading stores and markets within India.

Our Inventory

With a well-equipped warehouse with highly advanced storage facilities, Your Spiritual Revolution is set to store enormous quantities of all the products at a time & supply as well. Modern machines & tools installed help with the smooth functioning of the process and deliveries along with verifying the quantity of each piece properly.

Meet The Founder

amitt parikh - Your Spiritual Revolution

Amitt Parikh - The Mysterious One

Amitt Parikh is a modern mystic, an author, an intuitive life coach and above all a seeker of The Truth. By integrating the mystical wisdom of the East, the practical logical mindset of the West and guidance from The Mysterious One, he guides individuals towards speedy Integral Evolution for a successful Integral Life.

To know more about Amitt, visit: https://themysteriousone.com/about/

He has published many thought-provoking articles, short stories, poems and presentations in several leading newspapers, magazines, newsletters and websites. He is the author of Conversations with The Mysterious One series, Director of Parikh Info Solutions Pvt. Ltd. and Founder of Your Spiritual Revolution LLP.

Professionally he is a mechanical engineer, software programmer, CAD consultant, translator, editor, trainer and producer. Overall, he has over 25 years of experience in IT industry and successfully running IT business under Parikh Info Solutions Private Limited.

Amitt has undergone spiritual training and initiations from several great masters from India, USA, Australia, Malaysia and Europe. 

Some of the training & initiations he has received include:

  • Holistic Living
  • Kriya Yoga
  • Aura Viewing and Reading
  • Astral Travel
  • Chakra Meditation
  • Intuition Development
  • Past Life Regression
  • Intuitive Channeling
  • Inner Power
  • Body of Light activation
  • Anand Siddhi Activation
  • DNA activation
  • Holographic Creation
  • Vipassana at Dhammagiri
  • Lucid Dreaming
  • Sun Yoga 
  • Panini
  • Gnanvidhi
  • Samarpan Meditation
  • Mind Power
  • Instant Healing
  • Transcendental Meditation
  • Raja Yoga
  • Living Soul Development
  • Mind Projection
  • Quantum Jumping
  • Akashic Field Therapy
  • Aura Reading
  • Remote Viewing & Remote Influencing
  • Manifest Anything
  • Silva Ultramind
  • Mind Power Secrets
  • Mind Accelerator
  • Ascension
  • Karuna Reiki
  • Cell Regeneration
  • Neuro Linguistic Programming
  • Mindfulness
  • Spiritual Millionaire Secrets
  • Dream Yoga
  • Akashic Records Healing
  • Shiva Panchtatva Healing
  • Kundalini Shaktipat

And so on…

During inner transformation spanning over 30 years, he had several paranormal experiences like lucid dreaming, astral projections, OBE, dual awareness, intuitions, visions of future events, remote viewing, mysterious manifestations, past life recall, healing, conscious channelling of divine beings, visions & visits of masters, blissful contentment, and spontaneous clarity on eternal questions.

Being guided by the infinitely infinite Silence, referred as The Mysterious One, he went through different paranormal experiences in various stages of life to integrate them all and continue to evolve further.

“If you can start exploring possibilities, you will start surpassing all known boundaries.” 

– Amitt Parikh

Why Choose Us:

Team of Experts

Quick Delivery

Consistent Quality

Government recognised Startup

Wide range of Products

ISO 9001:2015 Certified

Affordable Pricing