Refund Policy

Your Spiritual Revolution LLP aims to provide almost everything that a Seeker needs in a Spiritual Journey! And we, at Your Spiritual Revolution LLP, commit to delivering it with utmost convenience. Along with that, we also assure a Guaranteed 100% Satisfaction! 

If you’re not fully satisfied, please, do let us know! If binding with our Refund Policy, we will be more than happy to help you! 

  • Refund Policy for Courses– Get in touch with us within 3 calendar days of enrolling for the course/s. Ensure that you have not completed the course/s and have not requested the certificate/s. Requesting the Certificate will be considered as completion of the course and acknowledged as Full Use of the purchased course. 
  • Refund Policy for Products – Please reach us out within 3 calendar days of placing the order. 
  • Refund Policy for Digital Items – Please reach us out within 3 calendar days of placing the order.  

Following this policy, if we are unable to find you a perfect replacement or a solution that makes you happy, we’ll issue you a full refund!