
Conversations with The Mysterious One – Vol. 1

Religion or Spirituality? Faith or Science? Oneness or individuality? Death or immortality? Money or moksha? Who am I? Who is God? Where is God? What is Enlightenment? Who designed this universe? What is the purpose of my life? What is meditation? What is yoga? What is Samadhi? Who is a true Guru? What is spiritual evolution? How can we attain holistic health and wellness? How to leverage the power of dreams? Are miracles really possible? What is The Truth? More Questions? The Mysterious One offers practical wisdom for these and many more eternal questions that any seeker of Truth encounters in his/her journey of life. Come… Let’s know, understand and live The Whole Truth from the highest, widest and deepest perspective. Welcome to a New World. Welcome to a New Thought. Welcome to the Divinity within.
Religion or Spirituality? Faith or Science? Oneness or individuality? Death or immortality? Money or moksha? Who am I? Who is...

The book that you are holding in your hand or are reading on screen, carries a new world within it, carries a new thought within it, carries a new energy within it. Open it, read it, let that world manifest around you, let that thought stir you from within, let that energy guide you to The Truth. The book is not merely philosophical, but also a living energy waiting for your activation to work with you and transform you, inspire you, guide you to act out of wisdom, act out of compassion, act for evolution of The One.

Every book has a purpose. The purpose of this book is your awakening,  your Enlightenment, your gnosis, your atonement, your realization of the power within, your understanding of the Brahman, your conscious evolution, your yoga with Atma, your declaration of  Aham Brahmasmi, your connection with the God within.