Mr. Sandeep Gupta

Success & Flourishment Coach:

Success & Flourishment Coach
To be successful & flourish in life, is everyone’s innate desire. We spend our life in trying to make it happen. A few do make it happen, while the majority keeps struggling, waiting for tomorrow. But the tomorrow never comes.

Now pause for a moment, close your eyes and think of all the times when you worked very hard, you put your heart and soul into the task, still you did not get the results you wanted. DO YOU KNOW THE REASON?

Sandeep says “In life, nothing less than an integrated approach works, and nothing more is required and most people do not realize this.”

Sandeep for the last 40 years has been helping people and businesses to be successful and flourish in life and business. For this contribution of his he has been awarded the “Glory of India Award 2022” by Indian Achievers Forum.

He has helped 1000s through his integrated approach. His popular interventions are:

1. Know Yourself (Why do you think & Behave the Way you Do?) - 3 hours
2. Laying the Foundation for Success - 4 hours
3. From Visualization to Actualization - 8 hours
4. Leading with Impact at Work & Home - 12 hours
5. Spirituality + Growth + Money = “YOU” - 20 hours (FLAGSHIP PROGRAM as it includes #1 - #4)
The above interventions are BESPOKE.

1. They are tailored to address your challenges and help you to be successful and flourish
2. The introductory session of 30 mins is free.
An ‘Integrated Approach’ pivots around consciousness and aligns the spiritual, emotional and rational realms and makes the internal and external human worlds work in sync. This integration leads to flourishment and excellence in life and business. Sandeep’s Integrated Approach is secular and demands no sacrifice. It is simple, fast and effective. It is scientific and bespoke.

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