Submission Guidelines

The topics covered by Your Spiritual Revolution (YSR) magazine includes spirituality (various versions of spirituality like mysticism, shamanism, eco-spirituality), psychology, holistic living, green living, eco-villages, creative/alternative education, wellness, alternative healing/medicine, esotericism and occult, paranormal phenomena, conscious relationships, and the integration of science and spirituality. YSR gives importance to integral evolution of mind, body and soul.
Send your queries/contributions to:

Closing date: 26th of the month for next month issue.

The copyright of works featured in the magazine will remain with the contributors/original copyright holders. By submitting their works, contributors are expected to give the magazine the permission to publish the accepted contributions on the website and blog, and also share in the magazine’s Facebook page and group. A brief bio, photo, email ID, and website/blog links of the contributor will be published in the magazine.

The views expressed by the contributors are their own and do not represent the opinion of the magazine’s team. The editorial policy is to present different dimensions of topics from a variety of angles and let the readers arrive at their own conclusions.