Spiritual Science

Spiritual Science

The convergence of science and spirituality is an endeavor to explore the nature of the immaterial realm, transcending the confines of matter and cognition. The physics of quantum entanglement and the oldest prehistoric idea from Advaita Vedanta (Monism) declare all is one unified whole, an immaterial reality within which everything appears and disappears. In this pursuit, this One whole is described philosophically as Brahman and scientifically as energy having many inborn interchangeable abilities. From this, an all-powerful force exists, releasing a quantum field or unified mind possessing the Supreme Ability. It is omniscient and omnipresent; we refer to Divine intelligence as the spiritual awareness, the most forceful faculty potentially inherent in human beings.

Once this cosmic spirit enters the brain, it makes the mind aware, resulting in pure consciousness, which we call the soul. This awareness is the underlying intelligence behind human intellect, bestowing individuals with infinite power to create, sustain, destroy, or transform anything and everything while experiencing life’s unpredictability.

The ancient wisdom and the first great saying – mahavakya of the Rig Veda encapsulates this concept with the phrase “Prajnanam Brahma,” emphasizing the nature of divine intelligence. This nonlocal awareness represents a supreme, boundless intelligence not confined by space and time. It manifests highest in the human mind, giving rise to consciousness through its intuitive ability. It’s crucial to note that awareness and consciousness are distinct, with spiritual awareness being nondual, nonlocal, and intuitive, while consciousness maintains a dualistic and cognitive approach to perception.

This nonlocal, aware energy, often called the spirit or divine intelligence, is the core of our innate existence. It acts as the foundation for the emergence of spontaneous awareness that is uninvolved and impartial by any thoughts. In Vedanta philosophy, this supreme energy ability allows humans to intuitively comprehend by consciously experiencing many phenomena, from celestial bodies to subatomic particles.

Advaita Vedanta, an Indic philosophy, bridges the gap between the scientific and spiritual worlds, disassociating itself from religious and esoteric themes. Quantum physics aligns with fundamental concepts of Vedas, advocating the idea of nonduality and agreeing with the concept of “Brahman” that all that exists is energy. This philosophy posits that everything in the universe is ultimately nondual, validating the path of spiritual exploration.

In the realm of spirituality, there exists a degree of ambiguity regarding the distinction between consciousness and awareness. While some scholars equate the two, others differentiate between dual and nondual consciousness. Irrespective, it is essential to recognize that nonlocal awareness is a prerequisite for the emergence of initial consciousness.

The essence of spiritual science lies in encouraging individuals to cultivate self-awareness to explore the qualitative aspects of their existence, transcending the quantitative features of their dualistic consciousness. It revolves around understanding how the body and mind interact with the true self to achieve transcendence, emphasizing the significance of moving from ego-driven subconsciousness to a higher, divine consciousness.

This article represents a contemporary perspective on spiritualism that extends beyond conventional religious boundaries. It emphasizes the differentiation between self-awareness and consciousness, offering a pathway for individuals to grasp their true selves and their connection to the ultimate metaphysical reality of existence. It elaborates on how to experience life from the lower to the highest levels of consciousness, ultimately facilitating a profound understanding of life and the universe. Namaste

Gian Kumar, Spiritual Author

For more information please visit www.giankumar.com
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