This world is a replete of idiosyncratic souls and each one plays a different role, once their purpose has been foundthat is when they come out of their shell and stand on the ground. This musing portrays the “Theory of Everything” which is the living totality of matter, body, mind, soul, and spirit. Integral evolution of Mind, Body and Soul is a method which liberates itself and these three build up the core of the human body.
Daisaku Ikeda, a Japanese Buddhist philosopher once said, “Do we view old age as a period of declining in death, or as an ascent towards the attainment of our goals, towards bringing our life to a rewarding and satisfying conclusion? A subtle difference in our inner attitude can change our experience of these years.” So, to unfold these three entities and to cherish every single individual, we need to trail around the following six points and remember that this doesn’t mean living alone or in oneself rather bloom as a bright sunflower, as living alone just passages our negative thoughts which ultimately slides us in the state of grief.
The six points to evolute mind, body and soul in oneself and others are:
1. Become selfless in faith.
2. Cherish one’s own soul and of others too, by building a bond of friendship and heart-to-heart connections.
3. Cultivating a climate of camaraderie in home, workplace and society.
4. Have the passion of discovering a person from within and determine to keep their soul in the rhythm of the universe.
5. Cherish every encounter by appreciating their mind, body and soul.
6. Foster each individual who surpasses their present self-being.
This is true that we all follow these in our subconscious minds as these philosophical facts are the fundamental part of our grey matter which consistently guides our mind and soul, but it lacks to mentor our body, hence we lack compos mentis.
So, to cherish one single individual we first need to be selfless in faith, that is being in the highest human existence which lies in one’s ability to fully enjoy and appreciate. This wonderful life-state of our faith and allowing others to also savor the corresponding state of existence basically,to call forth the wonderful life state with the highest energy which hurls upon our soul,illuminates our mind and strengthensour body, as we know all these are interlinked. Practicing our enlightenment in our individual’s faith is selfishness, we need to have direct interaction with our peers and construct a heart-to-heart connection. The concrete used to construct the bridge between two hearts should not only be physically strong but mentally and spiritually too.
In other words, the leaders are calling us to live our livesworking towards bringing happiness to both ourselves and others, which is concomitantly leading to cultivate a climate of camaraderie. By following the teachings of Daisaku Ikeda to the sproutlings of society, he believes that before constructing the bridge of heart-to-heart connection and cultivating a climate of camaraderie, every human being is capable of having the most genuine relationship of friendship. To be appreciated and understood we first need to have a spirit of compassion, on which the person in front can rely.Automatically there is growth of comradeship which outflows the passion of discovering the person from within. We shouldn’t wander longingly throughout the forest in search of mystery rather be courageous and take the responsibility to keep the soul of our acquaintance in the rhythm of the universe so that something beautiful could dawn on us every day. Being in rhythm with the universe means always having the expression of appreciation and gratitude, practicing the art of forgiveness and looking for miracles in our life no matter what be the magnitude of our sufferings. By this, we instinctively jump into the life state in which we value each person’s mind, body and soul,also the thought more strongly that winter always turns to spring.
We need to take care of the fact that if we can’t see someone else’s issue that doesn’t mean it’s not real, they are hampering their own quintessence. We, in order to evolute our soul should take the responsibility to foster each other irrespective of color, caste and creed that encourages each other tospread warmth so that everybody feels safe, valued and respected. In the end, by following all these points we should take the position of nurturing everybody around us whether younger or older and mounting them to surpass their present self and recast their mind, body and soul.So when we become old, they lay their hands, we have a path to walk on and lead a spirited life!
Vipra Kohli

Vipra is currently pursuing her 2nd professional year as a medic in Maharishi Markandeshwar Medical College and Hospital, Himachal Pradesh (India).
She values her surroundings and is like undying weed whose explosive power is awe-spring. She believes that every individual has their own spark in the same way she is also full of mystic shine and shade.
She is curious to understand each new thing she catches on and has an artistic temperament. Vipra believes that happiness and opportunities are perfectly harmonized with our very own karma.
She thrives on the fact that people who are graced with gift of sight, cannot un-see the truth and dwell into the darkness.Whether it is mixed media or digitalshe seeks to merge experiences into unified forms and believes that everyone is blessed with lionhearted courage, waiting to be explored!