4 simple ways of how to control your mind - Your Spiritual Revolution Blog

4 simple ways of how to control your mind

There are often times when the mind stops thinking in an optimistic way. Today, when the world is surrounded by so much negativity it becomes very much vital that we have the utmost control over our mind.

For instance, life is always full of ups and downs. There can be times when you are very much successful and all of sudden you start experiencing downfalls.

This is the time when your mind starts over-powering you. You start getting thoughts that lead to you a wrong way. This is the time when you start neglecting positive thoughts about life and indulge yourself in negative thoughts than positive thinking. 

It happens with almost everyone, at some or the other point in life.

There are many ways to attain positive thinking and keep mind body soul calm. To find ways that make healing easy for the soul. Out of ample was of healing, below are some of the points which can help you in controlling your mind.

  • Read Bhagwad Geeta

It is truly said that this book has solutions to every problem you come across in life. Keep a pocket version of the book always with you and whenever you feel you are disturbed or do not feel good, just open any of the random pages of the book and you will feel good and optimistic after reading it.

  • Practice saying “OM” loudly

These two-letter words fill any soul with calmness and positivity. Each morning, when you wake up before starting your day, say aloud “OM” 10 to 20 times. Undoubtedly,  you will be able to notice the change you are living in your life.

For example, there are lots of things you think of before starting your day. It’s the entire day plan out, with chaos. Once you are done with this routine of yours, you can experience the optimistic vibes in your environment.

  • Learn to ignore

Once you step out of your comfort zone, you will meet numerous people with different perspective. You need to learn what you want to take in and apply in your life and what is not meant for you. In different situations, it might impact our brain in the wrong way. We often get disheartened by thinking about other’s perspective or others word. We need to learn to let it go.

  • Learn to say no to your thoughts

This is very much similar to our mother saying no to things that would harm us. Our body is a machine that is handled by our brain. So our brain needs to stay healthy in order to get positive results. And it is possible only when our mind body soul concentrates on positive thoughts about life. 

Final Thoughts

You can drive your mind in the best possible direction by staying positive, peaceful and calm. Do practice these in order to control your mind.

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