Spiritual Poems - Your Spiritual Revolution Blog

Spiritual Poems

Spiritual Poems – Your Spiritual Revolution Blog

The Key

I came upon a gate one day Outside an open field

And on the bars there hung a sign Which space and time concealed Upon the ground, beneath the dirt I found a golden key

I looked upon the gate once more To find what I could see

The gate which stood there, stood no more A memory from a dream

Upon the ground I found a path Along a silver stream

My journey followed down this path To see what I could see

To find what I was looking for The path to destiny

I left the seeds of happiness And turned round with a smile I left the seeds of sadness

And walked a lonely mile I left the seeds of victory

And heard the sound of cheers I left the seeds of tragedy And wiped away my tears

I left the seeds of intellect And pondered thru the night I left the seeds of beauty And saw an angel’s light

When last my path had reached it’s end A vision came to me

I looked upon my gate again Outside an open sea

There was a lock upon the gate But now I had the key

And the sign upon the gate now read Infinite possibility..

© Alex N. Moyer, all rights reserved sentientfire@yahoo.com.


Seekers Be seekers

For eons to come

Seers Be seers

Of wisdom you shall have none

As truth

Is not miles away Or distant in time It is in enchantment

Of thy rhythm divine

Feel the bliss Do not seek light

As a seeker you shall never be

In thy embellished heaven, as many a seeker see

Light will thus be Without what you call I As you choose splendour

Whilst light be in surrender

© Ishdeep Sahni , all rights reserved.


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