Modiji has called, so be there on time,
To light, the Diya, be ready with oil, wax & slime.
If this does not work, there is another technique we know,
We are all inspired by that aunt who sang “Go Corona Go“
The beauty of this universe,
Assures us that time will reverse
This Pandemic has given the world such a massive hit,
Even the fittest of all are covered in PPE kit!!
Remember those people
Who said, “We want 2 six months’ vacation”
They are doing nothing at home now, but agitate
I am just highlighting what they said, I hope they relate.
Nature is the only component of your life
That you will never be able to replace
Things are going out of control,
This is the fact; how will you embrace?
This pandemic has caused a loss of wealth,
But it has given a lot of time to cope with stress, depression, and disturbed mental health.
Although this will leave a long-lasting effect,
I am sure people will come together to assist from all castes, sects, and dialect.
Amidst hard times we are all fetching positivity,
It is high time we must nudge our bars above insanity.
Let us come together and lend our help collectively,
To people out there who are risking their lives for humanity.
Considering the situation, I will not advise you to plant a tree,
I know you can anticipate what the future will be.
So now that you have got the drift,
I want you to sit back and think over it!

Ritika Meghani is a third-year student, who is pursuing Political Science. She is into writing short articles, write ups and poems. She is also an active participant and a part of several creative teams. She started blogging recently.