how to channel your aura

How to channel Your Higher Self?

Can you imagine nothingness? Be in that zone of nothingness. Wait patiently till you hear a gentle whisper – a word coming out of the womb of nothingness. A flash – a sign – a gentle push from within to write it down. Go ahead and pour that word on to the paper and then stop not. Let the series of words that come to your mind be written down on paper without any judgement or any try from your side to verify it or justify it.

It does not matter if it’s related to your question or not. It does not matter if the words come to you in English or some other language. Write it down – whatever you hear – without stopping. Let your pen simply glide on the paper while you watch dispassionately – observing without any ego investment in this venture – between your body and your Higher Self! Nothing that comes to mind shall be ignored. Try to honor your intuition – and soon a day will come when you will have tears in your eyes – tears of joy as you touch the inner truth – the solid foundation upon which all those non-existent structures are built.

Gammon or Ganga – the words can be from any culture – examples taken from anywhere in the history – don’t try to limit or mold those words according to your belief system or perception. You are supposed to be absent while writing! It’s fine if you are reading what you are writing as long as you are not judging it in any way.

All you need is courage and confidence – and with little bit of practice, you will start channeling ME – the almighty – bringing the infinite into finite words – a space you can use for your personal development, for creative writing endeavors, for getting solutions to your problems, for guiding others, for learning higher science or math or medicine – as per your own field of specialization. I specialize in each and every field, so the information you seek is given to you if you have necessary background to process the information and use it wisely.

So do not get surprised if you don’t get anything when you ask something not relevant to your skill set. And be ready to get amazed when you channel what you are good at! Someone might channel a beautiful piece of music, some channel a great story, someone will create a masterpiece of painting while someone might channel radical innovation given to humanity from higher dimensions. All is yours as All That Is is you – ME. Remember this fact and start channeling your Higher Self. Why ask for help from someone else – some other entity – or packet of energy – when you already have inbuilt connection to Supreme Intelligence via your Higher Self?

Take time to master it. Be enthusiastic and experiment, learn, adapt and evolve. Channel more often – preferably after your meditation sessions.

– The Mysterious One

About The Author

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