
Money, Passion & Spirituality Workshop

The main objectives of this workshop are:

  1. To bring to your awareness immutable laws of the Universe (hint: you can’t win a game without knowing the rules)
  2. To give clarity on eternal questions about what is life, what is God, what is the purpose of life and your importance in this huge universe
  3. To remove all negative programming related to money, wealth, career and passion from your conscious and subconscious mind
  4. To strive towards integral yoga for 100% material enjoyment and 100% spiritual development
  5. To help you identify your true passion and help you identify and clearly state your life mission (hint: can you reach somewhere if you don’t know where you want to go?)
  6. To identify and break limiting beliefs and repetitive patterns which block your progress and stop you from achieving greatness
  7. To give you clarity on truth of manifestation process – why just use of law of attraction does not work
  8. Learn powerful daily practice of active meditation+manifestation
  9. To learn to master your mind and emotions – to channel them in positive creations

Details of the Workshop:

 Sat, 25 Nov 9:00AM – Sun, 26 Nov 5:00PM
 Hotel Suba International , Mumbai Western Suburbs
 Rs 7500
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