Heal thyself, thy beloveds, thy country, thy world
Three simple but powerful ways to go within – to impact the outside. The true point of power is inside – lets all use that.
When you vibrate to a higher frequency than the environment, your surroundings cannot impact you but you can impact the environment positively. This is one of the basic principles of energy: Higher frequencies cannot be touched by lower frequencies, whilst the lower can be purified by the higher. Let’s become aware of this and utilize it for health and general wee being for self and the world!

Find your means, be it meditation, chanting, prayer, talks & videos, hobbies, music, pets, poetry & yes Bach flower remedies! Indeed whatever makes you feel expanded and ‘light’…
Remember: Darkness (dis-ease, fear and worry) cannot enter light! You become your best protection! And just like we are instructed to first wear our own oxygen mask on flights, before helping others, raise your frequency and then spread it to your beloveds, county and world!
Drench yourself – every atom and molecule of your physical, mental and emotional bodies with Love, joy, thankfulness. Feel it coursing through you. Love purifies, strengthens, heals and fortifies! Science actually shows us how these elevated emotions can help you develop immunity, good health and general well being. Let’s become aware of this and utilize it for self and the world!
Find your means, be it meditative bliss, loving images of beloveds, focussing on all the good in your life, seeing dreams coming true, visualizing the world clapping to celebrate a happy healthy world! Indeed whatever makes you fill with love and thankfulness.
Remember: Love knows no opposites! Another basic law of energy – if you are in a loving energy field, its opposite cannot enter! If negativity is flowing around, it will bypass those whose energy field is resonating with Love!
And just like we are instructed to first wear our own oxygen mask on flights, before helping others, first fill with and then pour out love to your beloveds, county and world!
The creator within you in your belief system! That’s why you sometimes desire but cannot manifest –when subconscious doubts come in the way. Another basic law of energy: your belief is your true energy signature, creating likewise.

So how does one not allow doubts or limiting beliefs to creep in subconsciously? The deeper answer is to connect with your higher power – to expand from the limited personal self to the expanded impersonal Self. On a more layman level, embrace positive & constructive ideas, images and news. Share this with likeminded – your ‘sangha’ / companions – makes all the difference ! Stay away mass hysteria and fake news.
Remember: Our belief = our truth. And truth always wins
And whilst we work from within, we do whatever our outside requires us to do – we follow the norms laid down by our governing and medical authorities – be it social distancing or whatever your part of the worlds requires. . Both in tandem – we can change the world!
Author © Divyaa Kummar. Join me on Face book or Instagram for soul bytes.
Website: Divyaa Kummar