Coronavirus Lockdown: Today, Coronavirus has become a severe cause of global fear and scepticism. However, we can prevent the life-threatening virus from encompassing us and our special ones. A check-up on yourself. We must check up on our tendency. Coronavirus does not have any malicious intention. Thousands of viruses are existing without doing any harm to mankind. Human beings in their great smartness, in their progressiveness, driven by their intellect do all kinds of things to the wild and viruses. Check yourself what it is that you do in your confident intellectual dimensions that turn out to be self-destructive.
Read as much spiritual literature and spiritual quotes as you can. This time will not come again. This is surely once in a lifetime opportunity. This isolation is something that wise man will celebrate. They will take it as blessings. There are miraculous changes in the atmosphere. The sound of the birds is now joyful and louder. Wild animals are roaming on the street without any fear.
Do not just be caught up in the propaganda and nervousness. Try to look out at the bigger dimension and you might find beauty in the bigger dimension. You might find that this disaster is probably one of the few possible ways in which mankind could have been reminded of its selfishness and its frailty. The virus is a product of man’s inner violence. These weeks and months are going to be large suffering for mankind. That is very unfortunate but do try to see that we are the ones who had been asking for it. We cannot blame anyone. Our quality, ego, sin, injustice is the root cause of this situation. We thought that our cruel orgy would continue unchecked. So, there are lessons to be learned and make the best use of time. One engages in self-observation. Let the isolation not be merely physical and let the mind in solitude. Think over it that you are free from all mediocre. Now it is time to back for the company of the greats. Unfortunately, they are physically not available to us but go for their books, watch their videos. Read positive quotes about life, humanity quotes, keep positive thinking and aim for a spiritual revolution. It is time to make up for lots of lost opportunities. Now it is time to compensate.

Pradesh Kumari (Jha) is the Principal, Trainer, Life Coach, a writer, and a painter. Overall an artist by heart, who writes and paints to express herself, to say all that which has been left unsaid.